
[NEWS] Goyang Special City Council Signs Win-Win Agreement with Goyang Special City for Citizens' Cooperation

BEAUTIFUL Gesture, Signs 'Win-Win Agreement'

이정원 | 기사입력 2024/05/05 [09:01]

[NEWS] Goyang Special City Council Signs Win-Win Agreement with Goyang Special City for Citizens' Cooperation

BEAUTIFUL Gesture, Signs 'Win-Win Agreement'
이정원 | 입력 : 2024/05/05 [09:01]


▲ 고양특례시 제공


[서울 케이뉴스] 김승호 선임기자 = On Friday(May 3rd), the city and the city council signed a "Win-Win Agreement for Citizens' Cooperation" at Goyang City Hall (Mind Sharing Center).


And announced that they would work together on Important Issues in the city.


Representatives from both the ruling and opposition parties (Representational Park Hyun-woo of the People's Power and Rep. Choi Kyu-jin of the Democratic Party) attended the signing ceremony, including Goyang Special City Mayor Lee Dong-hwan and Goyang Special City Council Chairman Kim Young-sik.


They agreed that the government should focus its capabilities on taking care of the challenges facing Goyang City, such as creating a self-sufficient city, as well as relieving the suffering of citizens who are on the brink of the cliff due to the three high prices (high prices, high oil prices, and high interest rates).


In addition, it was decided to form a 'win-win and cooperation TF' to strengthen developmental discussions.


Since its launch in July 2022, the 8th popularly elected Goyang City and the 9th Goyang City Council have been in pain in the process of deliberating on budget and ordinances.


At the 283rd Goyang City Council's extraordinary meeting held on the 19th, a total of 143.5 billion won was submitted, including the budget cut at the end of last year, including the cost of all departments' work required to operate departments and hold various meetings, but disagreements arose ahead of the second deliberation (Special Committee on Budget and Accounts).


However, after persistent communication between the ruling and opposition parties and the executive branch to deal with the people's livelihood budget, the atmosphere was dramatically reversed and an agreement was reached.


Lee Dong-hwan(Mayor of Goyang Special City), said at the signing ceremony, "Just as the ground hardens after rain, Goyang City will develop further by taking the regrettable and insufficient past as a lesson," adding, "Let's do our best to ensure that the remaining two years can be used for the benefit of Goyang City and its citizens."


Kim Young-sik, chairman of the Goyang City Council, said, "I am very moved by the fact that this win-win agreement has been signed. Let's cooperate closely and communicate with the city council and the executive department to achieve the changes and developments that citizens expect."


Meanwhile, following the signing of the agreement, the government passed the plenary session of the National Assembly, which is directly related to citizens' lives, including Goyang Pay incentives and K-passes (support for refund of public transportation costs), free school meals, and repackaging nine major roads.


City officials said, "We are glad that the agreement has dealt with the urgent supplementary budget," adding, "It is expected that the remaining major city projects will gain momentum from strengthening cooperation."


 시와 시의회는 3일 고양시청(마음나눔터)에서 ‘시민협치를 위한 상생협약’을 맺고, 시의 중요한 현안에 함께 힘을 모으겠다고 밝혔다.


이날 협약식에는 이동환 고양특례시장, 김영식 고양특례시의회 의장을 비롯해 여․야 양당 대표의원(국민의힘 박현우 의원, 민주당 최규진 의원)이 참석했다.


이들은 3고 현상(고물가․고유가․고금리)으로 벼랑 끝에 몰린 시민의 고통 해소는 물론, 자족도시 조성 등 고양시가 직면한 과제를 챙기는 데 오롯이 역량을 집중해야 한다는 데 뜻을 모았다.


아울러 ‘상생‧협력 TF’를 구성해 발전적 논의를 강화하기로 했다.


민선8기 고양시와 제9대 고양시의회는 2022년 7월 출범 이래 예산․조례 심의 과정에서 진통을 빚어온 바 있다.


지난 19일부터 열린 제283회 고양시의회 임시회에서는 부서 운영‧각종 회의 개최에 필요한 전 부서 업무추진비 등 작년 말 삭감됐던 예산을 포함해 총 1,435억 원의 추경예산안을 제출하였으나 2차 심의(예산결산특별위원회)를 앞두고 이견이 발생했다.


그러나 여․야 양측과 집행부가 민생예산 처리를 위한 끈질긴 소통을 이어간 끝에, 극적으로 분위기가 반전되며 합의를 도출했다.


이동환 고양특례시장은 이날 협약식에서 “비 온 뒤에 땅이 굳어지듯이, 아쉽고 부족했던 과거를 교훈으로 삼아 고양시는 더욱 발전할 것”이라며 “남은 2년이 고양시와 시민의 이익을 위해 고스란히 사용될 수 있도록 최선을 다하자”고 강조했다.


김영식 고양시의회 의장은 “이번 상생 협약이 성사된 것에 매우 벅찬 감동을 느낀다. 시의회와 집행부가 긴밀히 협력하고 소통해 시민이 기대하는 변화와 발전을 이뤄나가자”고 말했다.


한편, 이번 협약 체결에 따라 제1회 추경예산안에 고양시가 편성한 고양페이 인센티브와 K-패스(대중교통비 환급지원), 학교 무상급식비, 주요도로 9곳 재포장 등 시민 삶과 직결된 민생예산안이 본회의를 통과했다.


시 관계자들은 “이번 협약으로 당장 시급했던 추경예산이 처리된 것에 반가움을 느낀다”며 “앞으로 남은 시 주요 사업들도 협치 강화에 따른 탄력을 얻을 것으로 기대된다”고 전했다.

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